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Works 4 Stage is a play publishing company that offers quality plays for regional, community, and educational theatre groups.


As Works 4 Stage launches you will find plays for youth audiences and youth actors alike. Additional play types and short format plays/scenes will follow as our catalog expands.


All of the Works 4 Stage full length plays feature script packages instead of requiring the purchase of individual scripts.  Script packages include: 1) a standard .pdf version of the script which can be printed for the required number of actors and technicians and 2) a director's script which includes notes on production and casting issues and basic set/costume design options and concepts. 


The short plays/scenes available through Works 4 Stage are also prepared for printing from a standard .pdf version.  The electronic script price also includes the royalty for one performance of the short play/scene.  Additional performance royalties are available as well.


Royalties are required to be paid for any and all performances of Works 4 Stage plays and scenes.  The appropriate royalties are listed on the play and scene information pages.  (There are links to the Performance Rights Request forms from each play information page as well.)  Royalties must be paid at least two weeks prior to the first performance.  For groups wishing to produce extended or repertory touring performances, please contact us at for a touring royalty payment schedule.


We hope to make getting and producing the plays at Works 4 Stage as user-friendly as possible.  If you have questions or concerns, please contact us at  

© 2020 by WORKS 4 STAGE

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