Your Source for Plays and Scenes

Works 4 Stage hopes you find plays and scenes here that meet your performance needs. We feel that our script packages and royalty structures address the needs of theatrical producers. Here you will find answers to common questions and links to our performance rights request forms.
We would like to do one of your plays. How do we get permission to perform it?
Great! Once you have selected a play you would like to perform, simply complete the Performance Rights Request Form and submit it to Works 4 Stage. Once you have submitted your request, we strive to have an answer to you (with an invoice and contract, if rights are approved) back to you within 24 hours.
We are not charging admission to our performances. Do we still have to pay royalties?
Yes. Royalties must be paid for each and every performance regardless of whether or not admission is charged.
We are having an audience at our final dress rehearsal. Do we have to pay royalties for our dress rehearsal?
No. For the audience participation plays, we encourage you to have test audiences (3-6 children) at various times during the rehearsal process--and truly promote having an audience (generally, friends and family) for your final dress rehearsal. Having a audience attend a final dress rehearsal before opening is important to the process for the actors because there are things in the plays that just cannot be done without audience interaction. However, if you plan multiple preview performances, you are required to pay royalties for those performances. If you still have questions, please contact us and we can work through your particular performance run.
We want to tour an audience participation production. Are royalties paid on the same structure?
No. For touring groups, we have a seperate royalty structure. Please contact us for the complete touring royalties schedule.
When are royalty payments due? And how?
Royalty payments are due at least two weeks before your first performance. You will receive an invoice when your performance rights request form is processed. This invoice can be paid via paypal or check. (Complete instructions will be included in the invoice.) Until payment has been received, you do not have final authority to perform the production.
When can we get the scripts to start rehearsal? And how?
If your Performance Rights Request is approved, you will receive an invoice for the script package. (This will be separate from the royalty invoice.) Once payment is received, either by paypal or check, you will receive the scripts package pdf via email. Once you have the script package, print the number of scripts needed. (Remember, there will be a director's version and an actor's version for the full-length plays.)
Can changes be made to the script?
In general, no. For a good number of the plays there are alternate character assignments which will allow for the character to be played by an actor of the opposite gender. However, if such alternatives are not present in the script then changes may only be made once written permission has been given by Works 4 Stage.
There are also some plays in which alternative lines are provided. These alternatives can be used freely, but if there is a necessity to change lines of dialogue, then permission from Works 4 Stage must be given.
What if royalties are not paid?
Althought we hope that everyone involved in the production of theatrical works understands the importance paying royalties for the use of a playwright's intellectual property, there may be those who try to circumvent the process. If royalties are not paid, Works 4 Stage will seek to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. There will also be a penalty assessed for royalties not paid which may be ten times the amount which would have been due if paid appropriately.
Can we videorecord our performances?
You may videorecord your performance of a Works 4 Stage play or scene. However, you may only provide one copy per cast and/or crew member and each production team member--no additional copies may be made. Therefore, you cannot sell copies to your audiences. Additionally, you are NOT permitted to post your videorecordings of Works 4 Stage plays and scenes to YouTube, Facebook (or other social media outlets,) or your theatre's website. If you are producing a full length play, you are permitted to post a "commercial" (of no longer than 2 minutes) to the theatre's website or Facebook page prior to performance as part of your marketing of the production.